Dec 29, 2011

Formula for Create Amount In String in Crystal Report .net

numbervar RmVal:=0;
numbervar Amt:=0;
numbervar pAmt:=0;
stringvar InWords :=" ";

Amt := {sp_OfferHeaderReport;1.nMTotalOfferValue};

if Amt > 10000000 then RmVal := truncate(Amt/10000000);
if Amt = 10000000 then RmVal := 1;
if RmVal = 1 then
InWords := InWords + " " + towords(RmVal,0) + " crore"
if RmVal > 1 then InWords := InWords + " " + towords(RmVal,0) + " crores";
Amt := Amt - Rmval * 10000000;
if Amt > 100000 then RmVal := truncate(Amt/100000);
if Amt = 100000 then RmVal := 1;

if Amt> 100000 then

InWords := InWords + " " + towords(RmVal,0) + " lakhs";
Amt := Amt - Rmval * 100000;
if Amt > 0 then InWords := InWords + " " + towords(truncate(Amt),0);
pAmt := (Amt - truncate(Amt)) * 100;
if pAmt > 0 then
InWords := InWords + " and " + towords(pAmt,0) + " paisa only"
InWords := InWords + " only";

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