- Bootstrap css front-end framework.
- jQuery fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library.
- DataTables advanced interaction controls in any HTML table
- DropzoneJS library that provides drag'n'drop file uploads with image previews
- EasyPieChart plugin to render and animate nice pie charts with the HTML5 canvas element
- Flot simple but powerful chart plugin
- FullCalendar is a jQuery plugin that provides a full-sized, drag & drop calendar
- Gritter Notification plugin
- iCheck Custom radio and checkbox buttons
- IonRangeSlider Easy and light range slider plugin
- Jasny additional components for bootstrap framework.
- Jeditable Edit In Place Plugin For jQuery
- jQueryUI set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery
- bootstrapdatepicker datepicker
- Chosen plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly
- jsKnob Nice, downward compatible, touchable, jQuery dial.
- metisMenu Easy menu jQuery plugin for Twitter bootstrap
- Morris.js good-looking charts library
- nouislider Lightweight javascript range slider
- Pace Automatic page load progress bar
- Peity simple jQuery plugin that converts an element's content into a simple <svg> mini, pie, line or bar chart
- Rickshaw toolkit for creating interactive time series graphs
- Sparkline jQuery inline chart library
- Steps smart UI component which allows you to easily create wizard-like interfaces
- Summernote Super Simple WYSIWYG Editor on Bootstrap
- Switchery simple component that turn default HTML checkbox inputs into iOS 7 style switches.
- Validation jQuery Validation Plugin
- jvectormap Java Script pluggin for vector maps
- Unsplash all images from Unsplash - Free hi-resolution photos
- UiFaces all avatar faces from UiFaces
- UIrouter Angular solution to flexible routing with nested views
- UICalendar Directive for FullCalendar
- UIBootstrap Bootstrap directives for Angular
- Knob jsKnob directive for angular
- NgSwitchery Switchery input style for angular
- AngularPeity Peity chart directive
- NgEasyPieChart Easy Pie chart directive
- AngularFlot Flot chart directive
- AngularRickshaw Rickshaw chart directive
- AngularSummernote Summernote directive for Angular
- AngularNouiSlider NouiSlider directive for Angular
- AngularDatapicker Data picker directive
- AngularDatatables DataTables directive for Angular
- AngularSelect Chosen plugin directive
- AngularChartJS ChartJs directive for Angular
- Nestable Nestable list jQuery plugin
- codeMirror Code editor jQuery plugin
- GoogleMapsApi Google maps API
- EmailTemplate Transactional Email template
- ngGrid NgGrid directive
- uiTree Nestable list for AngularJS
- uiCodeMirror Code Mirror directive
- uiMap Google mpas directive
- jqGrid jqGrid plugin for jQuery
- ClassHelper Class helper
- AnimatedHeader Animated header plugin
- MockupMacBookPro MackBookPro mockup for Landing Page
- BrowserWindow Chrome browser mockup for Landing Page
- Timeline: Vertical timeline inspiration
- iPhoneMockup iPhone mockup for Landing Page
- iPhonePicture iPhone picture mockup for Landing Page
- PerspectiveMockup Perspective iPad mockup for Landing Page
- OpenSans Google Open Sans Web Font
- ImageCrop: Plugin for image crop function
- Toastr: Notification plugin
- Notify: Angular native notification plugin
- AngularColorPicker: Angular native color picker plugin
- BootstrapColorPicker: jQuery color picker plugin
- WOW: Animations for scroll down page
- Meanjs: MEANJS full-stack JavaScript
- LightboxGallery: touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image & video gallery
- GulpGen: Angular Gulp generator
- GruntGen: Angular Grunt generator
- jsTree: jsTree is jquery plugin, that provides interactive trees
- RTLbootstrap: Bootstrap RTL provides simple yet robust right-to-left capability for Bootstrap 3
- AngularTranslate: Angular translate directive
- ocLazyLoad: ocLazyLoad module for Angular
- ngImgCrop: Image crop plugin for Angular
- angularDiff: Angular wrapper around Google's diff_match_patch library
- ngIdle: Angular idle timer
- googleDiff: The Diff Match and Patch libraries offer robust algorithms to perform the operations required for synchronizing plain text.
- tinycon: A small library for manipulating the favicon
- idletimer: jQuery idle timer
- spinners: A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS
- uiSortable: AngularJS bindings for jQuery UI Sortable
- meteor: Open-source platform for building top-quality web apps
- ironRouter: A router that works on the server and the browser, designed specifically for Meteor
- meteorDropZone: A Meteor package for the popular file picker
- prettyTextDiff: A wrapper around Google's diff_match_patch library
- clockPicker: Special clock picker
- chartist: Javascript chart library
- ngChartist: Directive for chartist in angularJS
- dateRangePicker: Date range picker for Bootstra
- ngDateRange: Angular directive for date range picker
- awesomeBootstrapCheckbox: Custom checkbox and radio controls
- fooTable: Table jQuery plugin
- angularFootable: Angular directive for FooTable
- sweetAlert: Custom javascript alerts
- ngSweetAlert: Angular directive for SweetAlert
- masonry: Cascading grid layout library
- wuMasonry: Angular directive for Masonry
- slick: Custom carousel feature
- ngSlick: Angular directive for Slick
- toaster: Angular directive for Toastr notification
- select2: The jQuery replacement for select boxes
- uiSelect: AngularJS-native version of Select2
- i18next: i18next is a internationalization framework
- ladda: Buttons with built-in loading indicators.
- angularladda: Angular directive for Ladda
- dotdotdot: jQuery.dotdotdot, advanced cross-browser ellipsis for multiple line content
- touchspin: A mobile and touch friendly input spinner component for Bootstrap 3
- ngTouchSpin: Angular directive for TuchSpin
- tour: Quick and easy way to build your product tours with Bootstrap Popovers.
- angularTour: Angular directive for Tour
- flags: Sets of image flags
- clipboard: Copy text to the clipboard library
- ngClipboard: Angular directive for Clipboard
- c3: D3-based charts
- d3: JavaScript library for visualizing data with HTML, SVG, and CSS.
- c3angular: Angular directive for c3
- markdown: Bootstrap plugin for markdown editing.
- ngTree: Angular directive for jsTree
Jun 16, 2016
Usable Things for Bootstrap
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